NAC 19W2 vs W3

  • RD6 to NAC 0

    1. NAC EUR 19W2 (0) 0%
    2. NAC EUR wave3 (0) 0%


    I'm upgrading my DS5 from RT6 and would like to get one of the devices mentioned in the title.

    As far as I'm aware by now, W3's downsides are the multiple incompatibilities with DS5 - lack of a decent Hybrid module, very poor camera image and other such inconveniences. On the plus side, being a newer machine, I'm guessing it's going to have a longer software life cycle and will get updates for longer.

    19W2 seems to work just as fine, without the forementioned little annoyances.

    Is there anything I'm missing? Should I go for the W3, change the reverse camera and live with the lack of DS5 features ?

  • I would take something that supports the hybrid system, wave 3 is a tad faster but not a big deal, in regards to the old RT6 both are rockets. Updates shouldn't be problem, as both systems are near the end of their lifecycle, and only critical bugs will be fixed.

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